
Origin of Hilo's Name

7/28/24, thanks for stopping by

Hilo's name might sound like it just popped into my head, but it's actually more than that.

You see, I recently went to Hawai'i, and ever since then, I've been inspired by the language and stuff

The original idea for this website was to have my posts and user posts (what i considered wiki posts). Wiki comes from Hawai'ian wikiwiki, which means fast. Since i'm silly, i took the opposite of fast (slow) and translated it back to Hawai'ian. That's "lohi".

"Lohi, lohi..." I thought. It was a solid name, but i could make it better.

I decided to try switching the lo and hi. Hilo. Usually I would just brush "Hilo" off as a dumb meaningless thing, BUT...

Hilo is a region in Kona (the Big Island of Hawai'i). The other popular region in Kona? Kailua. What does Kailua mean? Two. How many aspects does this website have? Two!

So then I decided Hilo was a great name. My posts are called 'ekahi which means one in Hawai'ian and the user's posts are called Kailua.